The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth. by Henci Goer
Highly recommended! Clear, comprehensive information about modern births, and a guide to making decisions, including literature summaries from countless studies.
You Are Your Child's First Teacher. by Rahima Dancy Baldwin
A guide full of insights and suggestions about receiving a newborn, fostering healthy early childhood development, the importance of play, bringing rhythm into the day, and fostering healthy parenting values, based on Rudolf Steiner’s insights.
Guide to Child Health. by Michaela Glöckler MD and Wolfgang Goebel MD
A must-have medical and general health guide that touches on numerous childhood illnesses and treatments, vaccination, care of newborns, nutrition, foundations for healthy development, education and parenting therapy.
The Incarnating Child. by Joan Salter
A good introduction to Rudolf Steiner's indications and insights about birth, babies and young children, motherhood, as well as a thorough guide for caring for the child, nutrition, the senses, development and play from a spiritual perspective.
Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth.
by Grantly Dick Read
This is a modern classic of Natural childbirth. Make sure the edition you get is the recent Pinter & Martin edition that is true to the last edition Grantly Dick-Read completed in June 1959, with a new introduction by Michel Odent.
Life Before Birth and a Time to Be Born by Peter W. Nathanielsz
An incredible introduction to the scientific knowledge about conception, pregnancy and birth, for the scientifically minded who wish to find wonder at the miracle of existance.
Phases of Childhood by Bernard Lievegoed
As a physician and educationalist, Lievegoed describes the development of the child in phases of seven years, each phase having its own character, and gives practical applications of these insights.
Beyond the Rainbow Bridge: Nurturing our children from birth to seven. by Barbera J. Patterson and Pamela Bradley
A wonderful little gem of a book written by a long time Waldorf Kindergarten teacher. Includes stories and crafts.
Magical Motherhood. by Brenda Hammond
A series of letters written in an intimate, conversational style from a mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law about becoming a mother, from the point of view of mind, body and spirit.
When a Child is Born by Wilhelm zur Linden M.D.
The classic guide to physical, mental, and spiritual health for mother and baby during pregnancy and childrearing. The book takes one step-by-step through the birth and nursing processes and provides advice for treating common childhood ailments and for instilling good habits in toddlers. Based on Rudolph Steiner's work.
Conception, Birth and Early Childhood. by Norbert Glas M.D.- out of print, but you may find it used online
Another classic that discusses parenting issues and brings awareness to conception, birth and early childhood from a perspective based in Steiner's work.
Making a Home by Shannon Honeybloom
In describing her home and family life, Shannon Honeybloom shows how we can make a house into a real home as she shares her own efforts, hopes, and lessons in making a safe and healthy home that provides warmth and intimacy for the whole family.
Homemaking as a Social Art by Veronika van Duin
Taking a spiritual perspective inspired by Steiner’s work and the Camphill movement, the author looks at rhythm, relationships, an artistic environment, meeting needs of each person in the home, the importance of learning and self-development and many other aspects of homemaking.